What Can I Do If I Am Being Sexually Harassed?

Anyone can be a victim of workplace sexual harassment. If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, you have options and it is your choice whether or not you decide to speak out.

Note: If you are seeking immediate assistance go to the Resources section of this page.

If you want to discuss sexual harassment and your human rights in the workplace confidentially, you can contact the Yukon Human Rights Commission to speak with someone.

If you are uncertain whether or not you are being sexually harassed in the workplace visit the What is workplace sexual harassment page or contact the Commission.

If you are being sexually harassed, some options may be:

Whether you decide to speak out about workplace sexual harassment or not, documenting the events may help. The information may be useful if you decide to proceed with a report or complaint in the future.

Spot is a free, confidential AI chatbot that will help you anonymously document any workplace incidents. The report may be sent to the Yukon Human Rights Commission to be stored, or kept just for yourself. You can access your report at any time.

Click here if you would like to use or learn more about Spot.

If it is possible and safe, talk with the person that is treating you in a harassing way and tell them about the impacts of their behaviour. In certain circumstances, discussing with the person and informing them of why their behaviour is unacceptable in the workplace can prevent the behaviour from happening again.

Note: you do not have to voice your objection to workplace sexual harassment for the behavior to be in violation of the Yukon Human Rights Act.

Reporting the behaviour to a human resources department, to your employer or manager can be a step toward addressing the harassment. Employers have a responsibility to investigate any complaints made no mater how big or small the workplace. Employers can be liable for the workplace harassment if they did not try and prevent it or fail to appropriately deal with a complaint.

For support, see the resources listed below.

If you are experiencing workplace sexual harassment and are a unionized employee, an option may be to file a union grievance. Speak to your union for more information specific to your situation if this is an option you wish to explore.

Retaliation is an offense

Retaliation or threatening to retaliate against someone because they have done or propose to do anything the Act allows or obligates them to do, is an offense.

This means that a respondent or employer is not allowed to treat you badly because you file a human rights complaint or inquire at the Commission.

*If you are experiencing retaliation you have 6 months to contact the RCMP to have the matter investigated and addressed.

An option may be to file a human rights complaint with the Yukon Human Rights Commission or the Canadian Human Rights Commission, depending on where the harassment is taking place. If you are not sure of the proper jurisdiction, contact staff at the Yukon Human Rights Commission and they can help you determine where to file your complaint.

The Yukon Human Rights Act, states that no person can harass an individual in part or in whole because of a protected ground. The protected grounds include sex, including pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender identity or gender expression (Am I in the Right Place). Inquiring at the Commission can help provide you with information on how the complaints process works.

Click here to find out more about YHRC’s complaints process.


Mental Health Services

Victim Services

Website: http://www.justice.gov.yk.ca/prog/cor/vs/

Victim Services
Phone: (867) 667-8500
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 8500

Watson Lake
Victim Services
Phone: (867) 536-2541

Fax: (867) 536-2684

Dawson City
Victim Services
Phone: (867) 993-5831
Fax: (867) 993-6380

Victim Services provides confidential crisis support (no appointment needed) for victims of crime including sexual assault. They can help victims understand their options and inform them of their rights.

It doesn’t matter if the crime has been reported, a charge has been laid, or the accused has been convicted. They provide services to all people affected by a crime.

Victim Services Independent legal advice program:

Victim Services provides independent legal advice for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. They can show the options available and provide advice on the different judicial processes available.

Phone: 1-800-661-0408 ext. 8500

Email: victim.services@gov.yk.ca

Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre

Email: info@vfwomenscentre.com

Phone: (867) 667-2693

Women’s advocate email: womensadvocate@vfwomenscentre.com.

The Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre provides services for women in Whitehorse. The VFWC Women’s Advocate helps women assess their options at times of crisis. She helps with basic services – financial, legal, social, housing and employment – while supporting women to trust in their own judgment, and make positive decisions for themselves.

The Women’s Advocate assists women to access services and benefits, and to access information needed to make informed choices. She liaises between women, government agencies and community organizations, supports women in navigating the system, and can also offer supportive counseling to women facing difficult times.

Skookum Jim Friendship Centre

Phone: (867) 633-7680

Email: sjfcfriends@northwestel.net

The Skookum Jim Friendship Centre provides various programming and support in the community, including their Women’s Legal Advocate.

The Women’s Legal Advocate can provide assistance to women regarding the legal/justice system.

Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART)

Phone: 1-844-967-7275 for support.

Website: https://yukon.ca/en/sartyukon/home

Yukon’s Sexualized Assault Response Team (SART) provides a safe and confidential network of services that focus on your needs and choices.

If you’ve experienced a sexualized assault and choose to access services in Whitehorse, they can:

  • guide you through the process; or
  • be an ally to talk to.

SART is still working through COVID-19 times, they encourage Yukoners to seek supports and services.

Crisis Lines

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Yukon Division

*Appointments are available by phone within 48 hours of calling to book the appointment. Please phone: 867-668-6429
Email: admin@yukon.cmha.ca
Website: yukon.cmha.ca

CMHA is a national organization with branches across Canada providing a wide range of services and supports to people who are experiencing mental illness and their families. All programs and services are now being offered through telephone or videoconferencing. 
CMHA also provides drop-in counselling five days a week.

Reach Out Support Line

Run by volunteers through the CMHA, the Reach Out Support Line is a free, confidential, and non-judgemental service. It is to support individuals who are in crisis and need to talk to someone about their distress or trauma. ROSL operates from 2pm to 10pm seven days a week with trained volunteers who will listen, support and help callers find options, no matter how big or small the issue. Call the toll-free number 1-844-533-3030 if you feel the need to talk to someone.

Kids Help Phone

Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Website: kidshelpphone.ca

First Nations & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line

Crisis Services Canada

Phone: 1-833-456-4566 (Available 24/7/365)
Text ‘Start’ to 45645 (Available 1pm – 9pm PT, standard text messaging rates apply)
Website: crisisservicescanada.ca

Trans Lifeline's Peer Support Hotline Canada

Phone: 1-877-330-6366
Website: translifeline.org/hotline

211 Yukon

Phone: 211
Website: https://www.unitedwayyukon.ca/yukon-211

The 211 telephone line and online directory connects users with vital community and social resources, close to home and specific to their needs. From basic needs like housing and food, to support for seniors and children, to responding to crisis situations, 211 is there. 211 is free, confidential, anonymous, and available 24/7 in 150+ languages.

Resources for 2SLGBTQIA+ Peoples

All Genders Yukon Society

Email: AGYSboard@gmail.com

Provides funding for mental heath services for transgender, two-spirit and non-binary individuals and their significant others, family members and immediate support network. 
Also provides free mental heath services for youth, adults and families. Outreach and transition related resources.

Trans Lifeline's Peer Support Hotline Canada

Phone : 1-877-330-6366
Website: translifeline.org/hotline


Téléphone : 1-514-866-0103 (Montreal), 1-888-505-1010 (Sans frais),
Texto : 1-888-505-1010 (Texto)
Courriel Électronique : aide@interligne.co (Aide par courriel)
Site web: Interligne.co/clavardage

Interligne est un centre de première ligne en matière d’aide et de renseignements à l’intention des personnes concernées par la diversité sexuelle et la pluralité des genres.

Legal Supports

The Yukon Law Line

Phone: 867-668-5297 or toll free at 1 (866) 667-4305.
Email: ypleayt@gmail.com
Website: https://yplea.com/about-2/law-line2/

The Law Line is intended to help callers to identify the legal issues confronting them and to give them information about how to go about resolving those legal issues. The Law Line does not give legal advice or representation and it does not provide legal services such as drafting documents.

Yukon Lawyer Referral Service

Phone: 867-668-4231
Website: https://lawsocietyyukon.com/for-the-public/meet-with-a-lawyer-certificate-program/

This is a service operated by The Law Society of Yukon for members of the public. It is to help you determine if you have a legal problem for which you need the services of a lawyer. For a fee of $30, you will be able to select a lawyer from a list of lawyers practicing in Yukon and receive a half hour of legal advice from that lawyer.

Yukon Human Rights Commission

You can inquire at the Yukon Human Rights Commission confidentially and anonymously.